Sundance Film Festival Latest Celebrity News & Gossip

‘Ma Belle, My Beauty’ Is A Sunny Tale Of Love, Heartache, And Polyamory [Sundance Review] - - France - county Marion

‘Ma Belle, My Beauty’ Is A Sunny Tale Of Love, Heartache, And Polyamory [Sundance Review]

Marion Hill’s “Ma Belle, My Beauty” opens with the kind of aural ecstasy you’d expect from a romantic drama set in the South of France: a lazily looping guitar accompanying a breathy, enchanting vocal. The scene is set – and then it immediately collapses, as the vocalist tells her accompanist, “I hate this song, I’m sorry,” and escapes their rehearsal to take a bath.

Sundance 2021 review: ‘Cryptozoo’ is an animated instrument of torture -

Sundance 2021 review: ‘Cryptozoo’ is an animated instrument of torture

maaaan, it’s pretty hard to root for storming the Capitol these days.It’s a challenge to rally behind anybody here. Lauren and Co., including an old activist-scientist named Joan (Grace Zabriskie) and a gorgon (think Medusa), race to recover the Bakku before it’s too late, but their journey is monotonous.“Cryptozoo” is, from start to finish, a pothead’s pastime.

‘Misha and the Wolves’ Transcends Documentary Format To Tell A Remarkable Story Within A Story [Sundance Review] -

‘Misha and the Wolves’ Transcends Documentary Format To Tell A Remarkable Story Within A Story [Sundance Review]

Something like a documentary “Inception” with a story inside of a tale that is itself part of a narrative, “Misha and the Wolves” boasts several layers, all of them fascinating. Concerned with notions of legacy, trauma, memory, and deceit, the documentary by director Sam Hobkinson juggles multiple stories, people, and time periods with seeming ease, weaving a fascinating, multi-faceted tale in a tight 85 minutes.

“Mother Schmuckers” is a Chaotic, Unfocused, Brutally Unfunny Waste of Time [Sundance Review] - - Jackson - state Iowa

“Mother Schmuckers” is a Chaotic, Unfocused, Brutally Unfunny Waste of Time [Sundance Review]

When a person watches a movie as terrible as “Mother Schmuckers,” the natural thing is to examine the seams to see if this awfulness was indeed the point. The movies that turn into this skid almost always fail because there’s no way to capture the earnest magic that resides in the “so-bad-it’s-good” cannon, much in the same way that one can either see Shoeless Joe Jackson in an Iowa cornfield, or they can’t.

Zoe Lister-Jones & Daryl Wein On Their Sundance Pandemic Snapshot ‘How It Ends’ [Interview] -

Zoe Lister-Jones & Daryl Wein On Their Sundance Pandemic Snapshot ‘How It Ends’ [Interview]

For some, Zoe Lister-Jones and Daryl Wein’s “How It Ends” may trigger a bit of PTSD back to the early months of the coronavirus pandemic when stay-at-home orders were in effect. The film was shot in June of 2020.

‘In the Earth’: A Pandemic Puzzler from Ben Wheatley [Sundance Review] -

‘In the Earth’: A Pandemic Puzzler from Ben Wheatley [Sundance Review]

What does one even make of Ben Wheatley, at this point? That the same director is responsible for films as wildly divergent as “Sightseers,” “A Field in England,” “Free Fire,” “Happy New Year, Colin Burstead,” and last year’s “Rebecca” remake should be impressive – the variations present, in genre and tone, indicated a good old-fashioned journeyman director, and three cheers for that.

Lamorne Morris will not reveal his NSFW end-of-the-world plans -

Lamorne Morris will not reveal his NSFW end-of-the-world plans

our world end.“What I’d be doing? I am single, OK? So I ain’t telling you s–t. I am not telling you,” he said on Zoom during a Q&A with his fellow castmates.Director and co-star Zoe Lister-Jones advised that women direct message him on the day of the big event, a suggestion he welcomed.“I got like, a big yard here, guys.

Here’s how Robin Wright has been passing the time during the pandemic -

Here’s how Robin Wright has been passing the time during the pandemic

Robin Wright is using her extra time at home amid the pandemic to brush up on her film knowledge. “I think my guilty pleasure of releasing the days is getting in bed and watching a movie on Criterion Channel,” Wright, 54, said during The Cut’s “How I Get It Done” virtual panel at the Sundance Film Festival on Friday.

‘John And The Hole’: A Boy Plays Life & Death With His Family [Sundance Review] -

‘John And The Hole’: A Boy Plays Life & Death With His Family [Sundance Review]

Are you ready for a story? About a boy who puts his family in a bunker against their will? Then let me tell you about “John and the Hole,” the feature directorial debut of artist Pascual Sisto that debuted at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival after initially being selected for the 2020 Cannes Film Festival in May. A film that fashions itself as a parable for teenage adolescence and strife but muddies the waters so that when it comes to an end it all feels quite empty instead.

Sundance doc skewers China’s propaganda-filled COVID-19 response - - China

Sundance doc skewers China’s propaganda-filled COVID-19 response

its ongoing lies and distortion and insisting that their official death toll is underreported by as much as tens of thousands.Called “In The Same Breath,” the HBO film begins hours after a massive New Year’s Eve celebration in Wuhan, China, a city of 11 million and the one-time epicenter of the pandemic.The next day, a slew of robotic news anchors recited a government script, meant to minimize the impending disaster.

‘I Was A Simple Man’: Hawaiian Ghost Story Recalls Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Earthly Dreamscapes [Sundance Review] - - Hawaii - Japan

‘I Was A Simple Man’: Hawaiian Ghost Story Recalls Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Earthly Dreamscapes [Sundance Review]

Set on the trench that divides waking reality from the subconscious, director Christopher Makoto Yogi’s moody sophomore effort “I Was a Simple Man” achieves the narrative fluidity of dreams in a multigenerational ghost tale that conflates Hawaii’s recent history with one man’s burdensome life—both in irrevocable transition.

‘Cryptozoo’: Dash Shaw’s Spectacular Animated Adventure Is the ‘Jurassic Park’ Of Mythical Creatures [Sundance Review] - - USA

‘Cryptozoo’: Dash Shaw’s Spectacular Animated Adventure Is the ‘Jurassic Park’ Of Mythical Creatures [Sundance Review]

Outside episodic television, adult animation is seldom procured at studios in the U.S. Still, the medium has found stateside keepers of mature content among independent creators.

‘Censor’: Prano Bailey-Bond’s Ode To Bloody VHS Horror Is A Disturbing Glimpse At Traumatic Memories [Sundance Review] -

‘Censor’: Prano Bailey-Bond’s Ode To Bloody VHS Horror Is A Disturbing Glimpse At Traumatic Memories [Sundance Review]

If the people censoring inappropriate images out of films are there to protect the people from unnecessary horrors, who protects those protectors? In the new ‘80s-set, blood-soaked thriller, “Censor,” the answer is clearly no one. But thankfully, for audiences at least, the descent into madness of one film censor after witnessing a particularly violent “video nasty” is quite the enjoyable, utterly disturbing affair.

Shaka King: I don’t need white people to care about what I do, but I need money - - Illinois

Shaka King: I don’t need white people to care about what I do, but I need money

premiered the documentary “Summer of Soul” at this year’s festival.“That’s great because it’s gotten me to a place psychologically where I don’t need white people to care about what I do,” King continued.

‘Summer of Soul (Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)’: Questlove’s New “Black Woodstock” Doc Is Superb [Sundance Review] -

‘Summer of Soul (Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)’: Questlove’s New “Black Woodstock” Doc Is Superb [Sundance Review]

“Black Woodstock doc,” reads the director’s clapperboard, the first image we see in the feature debut of drummer, DJ, music producer, journalist, podcaster, and wing enthusiast Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson’s superb documentary “Summer of Soul (…Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised).” It’s part joke, part expression of cultural context: Playing the dual role of curator and archaeologist, Thompson presents his audience with footage of the Harlem Cultural Festival, a concert series staged

‘Homeroom’ Is A Powerful Verité Look At Policing In Schools [Sundance Review] - - California - county Oakland

‘Homeroom’ Is A Powerful Verité Look At Policing In Schools [Sundance Review]

Rounding out his trilogy of Oakland based verité documentaries, which includes 2012’s “The Waiting Room” and 2017’s “The Force,” Peter Nicks’ newest, “Homeroom,” is a poignant look at the 2019-20 school year in Oakland, CA, in which the compounding issues around defunding the police and COVID-19 force the school district to reevaluate their priorities.

Sundance Premiere: Peter Nicks’ ‘Homeroom’ Explores Oakland High School Where Activist Students Don’t Back Down -

Sundance Premiere: Peter Nicks’ ‘Homeroom’ Explores Oakland High School Where Activist Students Don’t Back Down

In Peter Nicks’ documentary Homeroom, premiering today at the Sundance Film Festival, Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf speaks with a small group of students of color from Oakland High School.

Questlove: Social unrest in doc ‘Summer of Soul’ parallels Black Lives Matter -

Questlove: Social unrest in doc ‘Summer of Soul’ parallels Black Lives Matter

virtual Sundance Film Festival on Thursday, documents the shockingly little-known Harlem Cultural Festival that took place in the summer of 1969.

Siân Heder Talks Sundance Crowd-Pleasing Drama ‘CODA’ [Interview] -

Siân Heder Talks Sundance Crowd-Pleasing Drama ‘CODA’ [Interview]

Writer-director Siân Heder, whose unconventional family drama “Tallulah” premiered at the 2016 edition of Sundance, is excited to be back at the festival, even if the conditions are somewhat different this year with the event taking place virtually due to the ongoing pandemic. “Sundance sent us a package yesterday,” Heder says over a Zoom conversation before the opening night premiere of her film “CODA.” “[It] had a down coat, my festival badge, and a hat for Sundance.

‘Flee’ Is A Stellar Exploration Of Refuge Trauma [Sundance Review] - - Denmark - Afghanistan

‘Flee’ Is A Stellar Exploration Of Refuge Trauma [Sundance Review]

Amin Nawabi is an Afghan refugee living in Denmark. He has a successful career and a boyfriend.

‘CODA’ Transcends The Feel-Good Movie Genre Even When You See It Coming A Mile Away [Sundance Review] -

‘CODA’ Transcends The Feel-Good Movie Genre Even When You See It Coming A Mile Away [Sundance Review]

In this virtual era, it goes without saying that much of the communal aspect of a film festival has evaporated. Strangers don’t compare notes waiting inline or with their neighbor before a film begins.

Cynthia Erivo Among 2021 Sundance Film Festival Jurors -

Cynthia Erivo Among 2021 Sundance Film Festival Jurors

There may be slightly fewer films for this year’s virtual 2021 Sundance Film Festival, but most of them are still up for the prestigious honors set to be announced on February 2. Today, Sundance announced 22 jurors who will make up seven juries judging the U.S Dramatic, U.S.

‘Judas And The Black Messiah’ To Premiere At The Sundance Film Festival -

‘Judas And The Black Messiah’ To Premiere At The Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Film Festival announced two additional world premieres for its 2021 edition including one highly anticipated awards contender. Shaka King’s “Judas and the Black Messiah” and Ali El Arabi‘s documentary “Captains of Zaatari” will increase Sundance’s slate to 73 films representing 30 nations and 39 first-time filmmakers.

How to watch Sundance Film Festival 2021 movies at home - - USA

How to watch Sundance Film Festival 2021 movies at home

just taken. No more elite crowds wearing scarves that cost as much as a used Toyota Corolla.But even if we can’t drink craft beers with Richard Linklater in a remodeled shoe store, at least we still have the movies.

Khashoggi Doc, Too Explosive For Streaming, Debuts On-Demand - - Russia

Khashoggi Doc, Too Explosive For Streaming, Debuts On-Demand

Even before “The Dissident” made its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, director Bryan Fogel had a sense that his explosive Jamal Khashoggi documentary was going to be a tough sell.

Sundance Film Festival 2021 reveals trim virtual lineup -

Sundance Film Festival 2021 reveals trim virtual lineup

down from 118 in 2020 — as it made plans for a nearly all-virtual event from Jan. 28 to Feb.

25 Most Anticipated 2021 Sundance Film Festival Premieres -

25 Most Anticipated 2021 Sundance Film Festival Premieres

The fact there are even 72 selections for the 2020 Sundance Film Festival is something of a miracle. The fall festivals had the benefit of movies that mostly shot before the pandemic hit in March.

Sundance 2021 Film Festival Line-Up Includes New Films By Edgar Wright, Rebecca Hall, Robin Wright, Ben Wheatley & More - - USA

Sundance 2021 Film Festival Line-Up Includes New Films By Edgar Wright, Rebecca Hall, Robin Wright, Ben Wheatley & More

The 2021 Sundance Film Festival is going to be different than any other previous version of the event. Due to its winter schedule, this year, the American festival was able to come in right before COVID-19 took hold in the US and canceled a bunch of other film events in 2020.

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